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Welcome to the Menomonee Falls Little League

Welcome to the Menomonee Falls Little League

General FAQ


My children attend Menomonee Falls schools, but we do not live in MF.  Can we still play in MFLL?

Yes. There are no additional forms needed


Is there a Parent Information Night?

Yes. This is usually for new parents.  We hold an annual Parent Meeting in late February or early March of each year to go through updates for the coming season and answer questions for new and returning families alike .This years meeting will be held on 2-24-25 at 7:00pm  at the NMS Cafeteria.

What does my registration fee cover?

Your registration money is used for:

  • uniforms  for Players and Coaches/Managers  (jerseys or t-shirts, hats, pants, socks, repairs and replacements)
  • equipment (equipment bags, balls, catching gear, helmets, safety kits)
  • field maintenance (mowing, grooming, weed abatement, chalk, baseball mix)
  • umpires
  • coaching clinics
  • Little League International annual fees
  • District 1 local fees
  • loan payments for building the fields
  • water/electricity for concession stands
  • capital improvements
  • general operating expenses

Where are games played?

Games are played at The Complex, a 9-diamond facility, located on Mill Road, 1/4 east of Pilgrim Road.

  • 4 “traditional” diamonds (60’ diamond with pitching distance at 46’) including one diamond without an enclosed dugout used for Challenger games
  • 2 “senior” diamonds with dugouts (90’ diamond with pitching distance at 60’)
  • 2 softball diamonds (60’ diamond with pitching distance at 40’)
  • 1 T-ball diamond (50’ diamond with players hitting off tee or coach pitch),-88.0975584,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x9e27fa46bbb4cfb9!8m2!3d43.1340122!4d-88.0975584


When does the season start and end?

Practice starts in April. Each team is pre-assigned a weeknight day & time and a weekend (Saturday only) time. Weeknight practice start/end times are set by the coach.  And usually no earlier than 5:30pm.  

Games begin in late April or early May, with the exception of T-Ball, Challengers and Seniors leagues.  Once games start, practice is at the discretion of the coach. The entire season is generally completed by the end of the 3rd or 4th weekend of July. Teams who do not advance in the tournament, will be done prior to that date. T-Ball games start approximately May 15th and they do not have a tournament so are typically done with their season in early July. 

We do not play games Memorial Day Weekend or 4th of July Weekend. 

How do I know if my practices or games are cancelled?

We will be utilizing the email and text features in the game software to alert parents and players of canceled and rescheduled games.  Also, check the website and Facebook!

Will we receive handouts when the season starts?

Yes and No.  In a continuing effort to reduce costs, most flyers and handouts will be available online.  Some information will be handed out in a Player Packet in April.

If I signed up to coach, when will I be contacted?

Coaches are selected in late-February by the VP of Baseball, VP of Softball, and the Player Agents. You should be contacted by March 1st if you have been selected.

What ages play in what divisions?

Select League Info in the upper navigation bar to view all the age ranges for each division.

What is the age cut off?

For Baseball and T-Ball, this varies from division to division.  Please see chart below.

Girls must be the specified age of the division by December 31st of the previous year.  Please see chart below.

Baseball League Ages

Softball League Ages


Why age and not grade?

In the past, MFLL switched between age and grade a few times as the determining factor for establishing divisions. By using grade, we were in violation of the International Little League age rules. The rules are very specific. Violating these rules could have resulted in MFLL losing its charter. We are pleased to be following these rules to make sure we maintain our charter so 1000+ kids can play ball.

Some of the age rules:

  • 4 & 6 year olds cannot play together on the same T-ball team.
  • 5 year olds cannot move to Baseball AA (boys) or Softball AA (girls).
  • 6 year olds have to play 1 year of Little League T-ball to move to Baseball AA or Softball AA.
  • 14 year old boys have to play Juniors. They cannot play up to Seniors.
  • 12 year old girls cannot play in Seniors.

How is my child placed on a team?

In March, we hold a draft where all coaches come together to select their teams.  The AA through Seniors divisions will be drafted.  T-Ball  teams will be formed based on player and coaches’ requests.  

Can we request my child be placed with a certain coach or on the same team as a friend?

Only at the T-Ball level.  Requests are taken during registration.

For all other divisions, in order to keep our teams as balanced as possible and in a league our size, in all fairness, we do not honor these requests.

When will I know what team my child is on?

Families should hear from their coaches within a few days of the draft.  Please check the calendar for draft dates.  If you have not heard from a coach within a few days of the draft, please email the Information Officer.

Can I still register my child after registration has ended?

Please e-mail the Information Officer to check availability.

What is the refund policy?

The refund policy is stated on the Player Registration form which is signed by the parent/guardian.  After games start, no refunds are available:

Refunds (less $25/player for administrative fees) are available, upon written request, prior to March 1st. On or after March 1st, any refund request must be submitted in writing and is subject to Board approval for exception cases only: moving out of area, major injury, or high school play. The Board will determine if a refund will be granted on a case-by-case basis.

Do we need to attend Player Evaluation?

For the 2025 Season, ALL players AA through Seniors will be asked to attend one Player Evaluation.  Coaches will be asked to attend all Evaluations for their division in order to prep for Draft. T-Ball does not need to attend this.   This gives us a rating to ensure our teams are well balanced. If you cannot attend, your child will be randomly placed on a team after the draft.

Evaluations take about 15 minutes and are held on multiple dates to allow for all players to attend.

What do I do if I have issues with a coach/manager?

If you are unable to resolve any issues with them directly, we urge you to contact your division Player Agent. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact either the VP of Baseball or VP of Softball. This information can be found on the website, listed under Board Members.

Do we get to keep our child’s uniform?

For all divisions except T-Ball:  MFLL provides official MLB jerseys that must be returned to keep our costs low.

T-Ball divisions:  These divisions will receive Minor League t-shirts they can keep.

All players are offered league-provided grey(baseball) or black (softball) pants that must be returned.  Your player is more than welcome to wear his/her own pants.  

Players also receive socks and hats that they keep.

Will there be pictures taken of our teams?

Yes. In April, we have Picture Day where team and individual pictures are taken. More information will be available on the website.

What fundraising does MFLL do?

We offer a few fundraisers for families to participate, if they choose to participate.

  • Little League Night at Miller Park – our largest fundraising effort where we receive half the amount of ticket sales
  • Candy Bar sale
  • Restaurant Nights
  • Personal donations

Does the league sell apparel?

Yes! You can purchase MFLL Spirit Wear and other merchandise at registration, New Player Evaluation, Picture Day, Opening Day, and other specially-selected dates.

Does the league use team sponsors?

Each team has a sponsor. This helps keep registration costs low. If you know of a company or business who is interested in sponsoring a team, please contact Michael Blevins. We are always looking for new relationships with businesses.

Does the league offer financial assistance?

Yes.  T-Mobile is again offering their Call-Up Grant administered by Every Kid Sports.   If you are requesting financial assistance, please complete the grant registration and fill out the below form and mail this form back to MFLL c/o Confidential PO Box 253 Meno Fall WI  53052. 

Hardship Request

Each submission is reviewed case-by-case.

Contact us

Menomonee Falls Little League

PO BOX 253 
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53052
Email: [email protected]

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