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Welcome to the Menomonee Falls Little League

Welcome to the Menomonee Falls Little League

*** COVID-19 UPDATES ***

This page will be used to share all MFLL Covid-19 Updates


MFLL Infection Prevention Plan updated 5/12/2021

MFLL Responsible Spectator Plan updated 4/9/2021

MFLL Update 4-9-21

Hello MFLL Families!

At this time we are planning to operate in a similar way to how we did for the 2020 season in regards to Covid-19.  With the State of Wisconsin Mask Mandate coming to an end, we will not be requiring mask use at The Complex, however when we hold events in  the schools masks are required per the School District of Menomonee Falls.   

Social distancing will continue to be encouraged when possible, we will start the season with teams using the fence-line instead of dugouts, but hope to move to full dugout use as the season progresses.  Bleachers will be open for use, but we still encourage you to bring your own chairs and set up around the field perimeter as you did last season.

We have updated our policies to reflect a few changes, such as umpires working behind the plate again (with the addition of special face masks with a built in shield) and bringing back some of the snacks like sunflower seeds & popcorn.  We will also allow teams to bring team snacks as long as they are individually pre-packaged items and not homemade.   

We will continually monitor the situation in our community and make any changes necessary.

Don't forget to check out our FAQ section on the website. We've been adding information as questions come in.

I'm excited we are getting so close to starting our season!


Contact us

Menomonee Falls Little League

PO BOX 253 
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53052
Email: [email protected]

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